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Patrick Shanahan Artcraft Engraving & Printing


There are numerous testimonials I could give, but the one that sticks out the most is from Mr. Cliff Ain over at Ain & Gruda, CPA’s in Aventura and members of the PrimeTime Founders. Cliff first gave me a strong introduction at The Residence Inn at Williams Island. We started doing all of their fine engraving and printing and still do to this day. That lead to an introduction to another large condominium group. That lead to Hyde Hotel and that lead to a local pharmaceutical chain in the north Miami area and they keep us very busy. Then Cliff call me and told me his printer of many years was retiring and closing down and we now do all of his printing. It has been an incredible chain of business and it all came from PrimeTime Business Network. I keep careful sales records and I ran a report on new business the past 18 months and 87% of our new business came from PrimeTime Business Networking. I would have guessed 50% maybe, but not 87%. Networking is the new model for new business. Not the conventional sales model.

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